Case Study

Pharmaceutical Giant Targeted with Bugged Corporate Gift

The Challenge
A global pharmaceutical company regularly ensured that they were securing their Intellectual Property by undertaking regular electronic and physical TSCM surveys at a number of their offices. As part of this proactive approach Esoteric were requested to conduct a survey of one of their premises in Western Europe.

During the course of the survey the Esoteric team identified a wooden pencil box which had been presented to the company as a gift. The box would typically have been used as a presentation / letter opening set and was being used as a desk ornament by a senior manager within the company. Within the construction of the box, a sophisticated audio device was identified. The device could be switched on / off remotely for long periods of time and transmitted a considerable distance. Whilst no recording device was contained within the unit, the device was sophisticated and would have posed a considerable threat to the company’s information and business activities.

The Solution
The device was subsequently removed from the premises and as the item was a gift, the company were aware who was targeting them for business information. They decided to undertake additional counter-surveillance measures to protect their information and assets including:

• Increased program of TSCM sweeps of executive offices and key meeting rooms
• Espionage Awareness Briefings for Senior Staff/Key Executives
• Counter-espionage roadshows to raise awareness amongst the organisation’s wider staff population.

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