Intelligence Technology

Our Intelligence Technology is business intelligence; allowing our clients to automate and improve reporting, enhance performance monitoring and real-time solution management, communicate to frontline teams and re-assign resources to fit their precise needs.

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Merlin Business Intelligence Software

Our Merlin software powers actionable intelligence. Within one system, millions of lines of data can be harnessed from multiple inputs, insight is automatically generated, actionable intelligence is communicated and your systems integrate seamlessly to facilitate effective security decision-making and operations.

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Facilitating Effective Communications

Our Intelligence Technology enables clients to communicate at scale to key stakeholders throughout their business, with relevant, timely intelligence. Enabling vital information to be distributed in real-time, this ensures security teams can distribute resources according to the latest intelligence, and better manage and mitigate risks.

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Facilitating Effective Communications

Through Merlin, organisations can customise who receives what information and when, so everyone only receives intelligence that is relevant to their respective role. Having effective communications is essential, particularly in the event of an incident, to ensure everyone in the team has the latest insights.

The app does not just ensure management level receive vital intelligence however, with Frontline Officers able to receive communications as well as report incidents and provide updates to selected individuals, ensuring the organisation has a true picture of the risk or threat.

Intelligence Hub App

Through our dedicated App, all Mitie customers have access to the latest insights from our Intelligence Hub. With the ability to customise notifications based on location, incident type and more, users get timely, relevant, actionable intelligence that enables them to make more informed decisions in real-time.

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Intelligence Hub App

Integrated with our proprietary Merlin Protect 24/7 business intelligence software, our Intelligence Hub App is an essential tool for security managers, providing them with only information relevant to their organisation, based on a range of customisable settings.

Free for all Mitie customers, the App ensures organisations are notified in real-time about incidents or activity that may affect them, from live protest updates, to articles about upcoming and planned known activity, the App gives organisations the actionable intelligence they need to take an agile approach to security resources, ensuring they have the right protection in the right place, at the right time to manage and mitigate risks to their people, assets, and environments.


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